Archived Projects
Note: These projects are at least a few years old. See Projects for several more recent ones.
Stirling Engine
The entire MEAM 201 class was spent learning to use the machine shop to create stirling engines. I attempted to add a gearing system that would allow the engine to drive.
Penn Aerospace
Over the course of my first year and a half at Penn, I worked on a space balloon for the GSBC competition.
Basement Lions
I spent a lot of time in high school designing, building and programming robots to compete in the FTC robotics competition.
I started building a quadcopter from scratch in my spare time after my freshman year at Penn, but never found the time to finish it. I left off with a finished PCB and most of the mechanical design.
Independent Study
I completed an independent study project in my senior year of high school, where I built a robot that could drive around and shoot tennis balls. I wrote several programs in the process, including an android app to control it wirelessly.
Over the summer in 2013 I attended the SAAST robotics program at Penn. It was basically a simplified version of mechatronics, with a few small projects followed by a final project of building a robotic tank.